Thursday, December 8, 2011

It All Comes Out In The Wash

If only I looked this awesome while doing laundry... Lets just put this out there - I LOATHE LAUNDRY. There, I said it. It's a never ending job that is most of the time thankless. Not that I need thanking each and every time I do a menial household chore, but sometimes it would be nice. Can I get an amen? So, today has been laundry day. ALL day. If I would make myself do a load of laundry or two every day, perhaps I wouldn't be in the predicament that I usually find myself in - and that is, laundry, PILED all over my laundry room. I am the type that waits til I am down to the last pair of undies in the drawer before I reluctantly admit defeat and trod to the laundry room where I am immediately overwhelmed at how much laundry there is to do. I really need to change my laundry ways because I am tired of piled up laundry woes. I need a system. A sorting system and a laundry schedule (one that I actually stick to!). This is going to become a New Years resolution. *BUZZZZZZZZ* There's the dryer. One more load, dry and ready to be folded and put away....only several more loads to go! *sigh* Did I happen to mention that I LOATHE LAUNDRY!?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

One year plus some

So, as you can see - I started this blog one year plus some ago and have only written two other entries aside from this one. I had high hopes for this blog...but somewhere along the way, it was forgotten. Well, maybe not forgotten so much as it was pushed to the back burner.

My childhood best friend, Amanda, has mentioned to me on more than one occasion recently that I need to be writing a blog. Obviously, a year ago, I had the same idea.

So, back to it. I am going to try to make blogging a regular occurrence. Maybe not a daily occurrence, but a regular one none-the-less.

So bear with me folks - blogging regular occurrence will ensue.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

the BIG day!

OH, day of days! Benjamin started kindergarten today!! What a joyous moment for me! Joyous...and bittersweet.  It seems like just yesterday I was still feeling his little kicks in my belly. *sigh* 

I shed a few tears as I walked back to my car after dropping him off this morning. 

Ava and I made our way back to the house and..........................yep.......and...............nothing. I was LOST with just one child in tow, today. I just did NOT know what to do with myself.  Ava was a little forlorn without her "bubby" here to play with all day.  When we left him at school this morning she just couldn't figure out why we were leaving him there. It was cute! She kept telling him, "C'mon, bubby.....lets go, bubby."

I did manage to make myself do some laundry and tidy up the house some.  I ran a few errands and went to have lunch with my bestie. :) 

All in all it was a good day. Benjamin said that he likes his teacher (Mrs. Jenny) and that he has a classroom pet....a turtle.  He was thrilled about that! 

It is going to take some getting used to my new schedule.  I am planning on putting all my new "free time" to use! Get this home front running on the up and up.....get a nice routine going. 

Hope everyone else had a blessed day!

Peace & Chicken Grease

Monday, September 6, 2010

new to this blogging thing...


What IS a blog, exactly?  Does it have to be a super savvy place of wonderfully written prose? Chances, it doesn't.  And, mine won't be.

My blog is simply going to be a place where I can come to share my inner mind muddle (ie - those things I sometimes refer to as thoughts) with whomever feels like they want to read it. :) Sometimes, it might be funny. Sometimes, it might be depressing.  Sometimes, it might be informative. Yet sometimes again, it might be absolutely utter boringness. (Is that a word, even?  If not, it SHOULD be.)

So with that thought, I leave this entry at a close. More to come soon, don't you worry.