Thursday, December 8, 2011

It All Comes Out In The Wash

If only I looked this awesome while doing laundry... Lets just put this out there - I LOATHE LAUNDRY. There, I said it. It's a never ending job that is most of the time thankless. Not that I need thanking each and every time I do a menial household chore, but sometimes it would be nice. Can I get an amen? So, today has been laundry day. ALL day. If I would make myself do a load of laundry or two every day, perhaps I wouldn't be in the predicament that I usually find myself in - and that is, laundry, PILED all over my laundry room. I am the type that waits til I am down to the last pair of undies in the drawer before I reluctantly admit defeat and trod to the laundry room where I am immediately overwhelmed at how much laundry there is to do. I really need to change my laundry ways because I am tired of piled up laundry woes. I need a system. A sorting system and a laundry schedule (one that I actually stick to!). This is going to become a New Years resolution. *BUZZZZZZZZ* There's the dryer. One more load, dry and ready to be folded and put away....only several more loads to go! *sigh* Did I happen to mention that I LOATHE LAUNDRY!?

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I love this post. I am the same way when it comes to laundry.
    It's always out of control.
    Just the other day I realized that wet laundry had been sitting in the washer for over 4 days....
    Laundry is the thing that you cant just start and finish. I think I'd like it better if you could do it and get it over with but noooo-you have to start it-get busy with something else then once youve forgotten about it-BUZZZZZZ-it interrupts whatever you were doing and demands your attention. If you find a system-please do share!
